Hewlett-Packard / Agilent 1100 DAD Detector
The refurbished Agilent 1100 DAD Detector: Superior 3D optics – simultaenous illumination using combined deuterium and tungsten lamps for highest intensity and lowest detection limit from 190 to 950 nm, 1024 diodes and 1-nm slit for highest spectral resolution.
Programmable slit helps you explore the spectral landscape for faster sample characterization–focus on fine bands with narrow setting, or if higher sensitivity is required open up the programmable slit for more light throughput.
A broad slit ensures lowest baseline noise and highest chromatographic signal-to-noise. Store and report slit settings, from 1 - 16 nm, together with your raw data for GLP traceability.
- Convenient spectral storage and flexible viewing – easily overlaid spectra within a run or between runs
- Verify wavelength accuracy for GLP compliance – automatic holmium oxide filter (which can be set at the beginning of your chromatography) verifies that your wavelength is indeed what the setpoint says it is
- Connect to LC-MS–high pressure micro flow cell for extremely small internal volumes are required for LC-MS applications and use a single Agilent ChemStation to acquire and view UV and MS spectral data
- New! Explore capillary HPLC– flow rates as low as 5-µl/min with the new 500-nanoliter flow cell. Increase sensitivity 50 to 100-fold compared to standard-bore HPLC